Sunday 22 November 2015

Rocket man

"This is how I know man never went to the moon"
Said a woman that worked on our floor
"He'd be lost without women to say what to do
Struggling with the space ship door"


A heart as pure as gold is hard to find
Sometimes the innocence does not exist
A beauty warm and whole inside a mind
Exterior that also matches this

An anger raging spawned from passion's flames
A burning pulse as strong as that of Gods
A caring heart that could not be contained
Exist on Earth well surely such cannot

And yet it seems a beauty does exist
A love as natural as burning sun
Intelligent not pellucid but this
Remains the one to whom my heart belongs

You made me realise what I can do
So half of my achievements lay with you

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Mixed messages

you don't even see me really,
stood near me but clearly,
percieve me as nobody at all
why oh why cant I tell you I love you?
all that you are from your eyes
to your smile to the tone of your voice...
You okay?
I wish that I did not exist,
just one kiss
would liken my pulse to the beat of a raging stampede of bulls in the mist,but alas,
I digress
Im fine,
But looking into those chocolate pearls,
glistening curls makes me see the world in a sense of bliss
that could not be physically possible, without you...
Bye my sweet

Monday 16 November 2015

Never leave me...

In my eyes you are beautiful,
Your soul will never die
You may not be here in person
You will always live in I

I will have no regrets, you know that you are loved
I won't say you are the best, or any of that stuff
But its you that made me me, I hope that I'm enough
In my eyes you are beautiful and in me you can trust

I knew one day I'd lose you, I hoped it well I guess
You couldn't cope with losing me, I hurt so you hurt less
Your soul will never die, You live inside of us
Your pupils, your family, will always no your love

you may not be here in person, but when i wrote this you were
so i could concentrate on feelings that you make occur
its hard to picture losing you, a waterfall I'd cry
I love you so sincerely, you will always live in I

Monday 2 November 2015

Spending time

How many would be out of time
If time was what we spent?
if time is really currency when trying to pay rent

i've wasted so much time I must think time is something free
Spend so much time ironically,
trying to make money

What if it did not exist? Money not time I mean,
What if we shopped with body clocks
I'll pay in years, nineteen

Would you spend your time on consoles, or sitting on youtube
Or spend it finding happiness,
With people that love you

Thursday 22 October 2015

If Cameron ruled the world

If Cameron ruled the world...
now that would be a sight
where everything's in no way left
but never going right

If cameron had control,
He'd tax men on the street
Shake hand and introduce himself
as "fines we have to meet"

That is unless you're rich
He'd see you and he'd try
To slyly whisper in your ear
"Dont worry, I'm on your side

Keep increasing taxes
Prevent a living wage
Make people rent their bedrooms out
Unless they wish to pay"

Oh how we would survive
I think I would prefer
To never have to see a day
Where Cameron rules the world!

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Unspoken Words

It hurts, she said with words they could not hear
I wish I was not standing here alone
I scream and only dogs will shed a tear
At decibells that only they could know

It seems I must exist inside my head
The only one that fucking hears my screams
Too many words I use but can't explain
This pain inside is slowly killing me

I feel that I am hoping for a change
Somebody show me there's another way
To be able to see I am not so estranged
And give me need to see another day

Then in my life you came
And nothing was the same.

Whose world?

So what if I told you the world is a dream
A memory of things you have already seen
Visiting places you've already been
Until the day we die.

What if I said, its all in your head?
You're reliving things you thought you'd forget
Visiting life, before you were dead.
Then are we really alive?

That eerie sense of deja vu
Or wait a sec, "Dont I know you?"
Feeling like you know what to do
In what should be an aukward scene...

So tell me then, what would you do
If someone told you it was true
You're caught in the recurring view...
Of your life... as a dream?